Wessex Lichen Group

Area: The Wessex Lichen Group (WLG) covers Dorset, Hampshire, Isle of Wight & Wiltshire

Group Contacts: Neil Sanderson

Description: An informal group recording lichens in Dorset, Hampshire, Isle of Wight & Wiltshire. 

Meetings will be held mainly in autumn through to spring and will be advertised by an email list, on the BLS Events & Meetings page and on the Wessex Lichen Website when functional (currently awaiting an upgrade). All levels of experience welcomed, and bring a hand lens if you have one.

History: initially formed by Les and Sheila Street on the Isle of Wight but then taken over by Neil Sanderson in 2007. The exceptionally rich New Forest is the venue for many meetings, but these are balanced by other venues across the area.

Contact: neilsand1@mac.com